Friday, January 29, 2010

He knows my name!

A wonderful testimony from Ceejay in Baltimore, MD...

I had lived most of my life in religion…it was like a ritual to go 2 church every Sunday. Even at that, we (‘we’ means ‘I and my nuclear family’) always came late …like the church was the pastor’s and we were doing him a favor by attempting to come. We also had morning prayers at home every day, and the prayer was like a pattern – I pretty much learned about prayer as a means of getting God to do stuff for you, you know? When I got to high school in 1999, it didn’t help me that much, because I didn’t know God personally; just thru the patterns of prayer I had learned at home. I attended the schools services though, and most of my friends were from Christian homes as well, so that created a blanket of ‘self-styled goodness’, which prevented me from doing things that every normal high school kid would.
In 2004, June 22nd, or a Sunday around that date, an alumnus of the high school I was attending was the guest speaker for the school’s service. He talked on the Holy Spirit, and explained how he gives us the power to speak in tongues. Before then, I had heard my Mum speak in tongues occasionally around the house. I didn’t know what it was she was saying, and it sounded like some variation of a Dead Sea language to me. But she didn’t speak it very often. When this alumnus (his name is Ovie Onokpachere – can’t forget the name because of what happened next) finished talking, he asked us to begin praying, and told us that as many of us that wanted to receive the Holy Spirit could do so at that moment and start speaking in tongues. Since I had heard it before from my Mom, I knew it was possible for someone to speak in tongues and I desired to commune in the language as well. As we worshipped, I just started saying some strange things…had no clue whatsoever what I said. But yet, I knew I was praying – in a way I had never prayed before. Surprisingly, there were only 2 people that spoke in tongues that day. Much, much later on, I came to realize that receiving the Holy Spirit does not automatically ‘shoot’ tongues from one’s mouth; it could happen as soon as the person received the Holy Spirit, or could happen sometime else. Then I also realized that I had received the Holy Spirit long before that event – maybe 1 or 2 years before, and HE was the reason I couldn’t do what everyone else was doing, not my ‘safe haven of Christian friends.’ Unfortunately, after that experience, I did not maintain the habit, and it sort of ‘died down.’ The fact that we did not speak in tongues during the family morning prayers did not help either.
On a nice sunny Sunday at church in July 2005, during the worship session, I ‘got lost’ in worship as I praised God in English. Then, something else happened. As I closed my eyes, I began seeing words that were written out – like they were written on my heart or a tablestone or something…most were written with letters from the English alphabet and I did not know what they were, but they were definitely not in the English language. I tried pronouncing them, and as I did, they would be replaced by new, different words, and I would try pronouncing those as well. I continued doing that throughout the time for worship, before I finally realized that I was speaking in tongues! Wow! It felt so good too! I just started thanking God and praising him for restoring what I thought I had lost (though we know now that the gifts of God are without repentance). And, during the coming weeks, I learnt in the church that God speaks to everyone, and we should take time out to listen, and that He loves us. So one fateful day, after the family morning prayer, I tried it – I stayed behind and just bowed my head to listen. I know the first words I heard were, “Chijioke, I love you. I will bless you like no other” and several variations of it. I suddenly felt basked in the Father’s love (though I didn’t know what it was called then), like layers upon layers of a thick warm blanket were placed over me, yet I felt co comfy. Finally! This God I’ve heard so much about speaks! And he knows my name! And he likes me!!!
I felt on top of the sky throughout that day, skipping everywhere and dancing to made-up tunes. As I was going to bed that night, I remember the last thing I said was “Good night Lord”….then I heard clearly, “Good night son.” I was his son! It felt different hearing it from him that from others. The next day, I awoke with a ‘Good morning Lord’, and suddenly all the blanket layers were back. And then I went: “So, what should I wear today?” And He went “Put this shirt on, and match it with this pair of pants and do this and that.” By the time He was done grooming me, I was astonished at myself. Ever since then, I’ve had impeccable dressing sense – He taught me what I know about fashion today. Ain’t it cool?
It got even better. As we communed, He would point me to a verse, and would explain it to me. Then he would tell me some stuff about some people, so I could pray for them. During this period, my desire for reading the bible became like…the closest thing I can describe it to is the same hunger with which a vampire desires blood (apologies for the description) but the Holy Spirit is his Word. Naturally, as we spent more time together, I desired more of his word…like I needed to catch up on something. I read copious amounts of the bible per day…and whatever I found interesting, I underlined, or wrote down. And later on, as I went back, and studied, he taught me. Once (very late at night), I asked him a question on a quite puzzling scripture, where it says “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” I asked him, ‘Why? It is strange, and not supposed to be so. Why did Jesus say that?’ Before I knew it, I had written seven pages on the subject. WOW!
And you know what? All that happened BEFORE I came into Christ Embassy as a member, although I was an ‘outside spectator” for a while. And with the amount of knowledge on the Holy Spirit that Pastor Chris has dealt us with, can you imagine where I am now? St. Burnivine, ‘This Goke Boy Sef’ and Abimbola E. can testify, not so? LOL.
I want to sincerely thank the Holy Spirit for what He has made me, and also for reminding me of parts of this story I had forgotten…I had to edit some parts where he reminded me that what I wrote was partially inaccurate…He’s so cool! He loves me, and if you are out there reading this, He loves you too. He’s right next to you, always waiting to hear, ever ready to help and answer – because He loves you for you, like no other person can ever or will ever love you. Why don’t you speak to Him now? It’s as easy as you think it is, and that shouldn’t discourage you because you think you have to deserve any kind of love you get. He just loves you, and that’s it! Talk to him now; He’s waiting….

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

All His Promises are Yes and Amen!

For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes [answer] in Him [Christ]. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him [in His Person and by His agency] to the glory of God.
(2 Corinthians 1:20)Amplified Bible

Sometime last year, I woke up to the sweet, unimagined whisper of Acts 1:8:
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

If I had ever desired the Baptism of the Holy Ghost before, after this, the desire intensified. I waited and hoped every time I prayed that this would be the time of the "mighty rushing wind and cloven tongues of fire" like it was in Acts 2. When it didn't come, I would think, "maybe next time" or "maybe it'll come when I'm not expecting it". I smile as I look back; if only I had known to receive the Baptism by faith.
One of my friends had received the Holy Ghost Baptism and spoke in tongues. She kept encouraging me, telling me that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost was a gift - a free gift (it can't get freer than that!)- from God to all His children. I knew the Bible said so but I still didn't understand. When people would pray for me to receive the Holy Spirit, after praying, they would say something along the lines of: "Just speak" and in my mind, I would go, "I want to speak but speak what?!"
After a while I stopped seeking. I felt when God was ready, He would give it to me. I wish I had known that God had been ready ever since that Tuesday night, almost two years ago, I asked Him into my heart.

A few months short of a year since I heard the promise, I was on holiday in Baltimore with my cousin. My steps are truly ordered because when I decided to go to Baltimore, I did not know I was going to meet the most crazy-for-Jesus, on-fire-for-the-HolyGhost young men, I had ever met. I had fun in Baltimore! I never knew sharing God's word and praying till your eyes were red from crying could be fun but it was! (Note to reader: I had "regular fun" in Baltimore as well!).
These brethren (shout out to my BLW loves! God bless you!!) have such a knowledge of the Word of God and have close relationships with the Holy Spirit I have never really witnessed before in young people. I learned so much during my three weeks there. They made me feel right at home and I fitted in with perfectly with them. The only difference I can think of between them and me was that I was the only "English-talker" at prayers. All of them had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. They never made me feel like less of a Christian though (Speaking in tongues doesn't make you any more Christian than another believer who doesn't speak in tongues). Through them, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the benefits of speaking in tongues (I suggest you read 1st Corinthians 14 and Romans 8, especially from verses 20 -28).

My faith grew as I realized that the gift of tongues was for and beneficial to every Christian. I asked them to pray for me and they did. Like with previous attempts, I didn't notice anything. One of them- the one who had laid hands on me- said the Holy Spirit said He had already filled me. Though I had known this and had believed this for a while, I still couldn't understand why I wasn't speaking in tongues. I guess I was still waiting for the mighty rushing wind. Don't get me wrong, it is very possible to have a 'mighty rushing wind' type Baptism of the Holy Spirit but sometimes it may come as a whisper in your spirit or even in another way.
I continued waiting and building up my faith through the Word of God. In another meeting, another person laid hands on me and told me to speak. I waited, hoping for a voice to rise up within me. I heard nothing. In my heart, I was somewhat disappointed. I had thought this was the night!
These wonderful people of God encouraged me to take a step of faith. Quiet, I nodded in agreement though I was not really sure what this step of faith required.

The next day, 21st January 2010, was when I took the step of faith. I don't recall how exactly I took the step of faith but I remember we had been interceding for Haiti and for other places God has brought to our attention. That night, I felt the deep concern God has for his people. It was in this place I took a step of faith and one word in a heavenly tongue was all the Holy Spirit used to seal it in my heart that I was officially a tongue-talker!
That step of faith is necessary because though the Holy Spirit gives us utterance, we are the ones to speak (Acts 2:4).
Of course doubts came but I had a conviction in my heart and I chose to hold on to it.

It's been six days and I'm proud to say that I'm a tongue-speaking, fire-spitting, demon-casting, sickness-healing, Spirit-filled child of God through the Power of the Holy Spirit that works in me!

I'm Christian because God is good to me and has given me the gift of His Holy Spirit!

For more scriptures on speaking in tongues, see Acts 19:1-7, Acts 2:1-4, Mark 16:17.

Incase anyone is not clear about it, 'Holy Ghost' and 'Holy Spirit' refer to the same person: my Boss.

Jesus loves you and so do I,
✝Child of Promise♥

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
(Hebrews 10:23)

Never doubt that your steps are ordered!

The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].
Psalm 37:23 (Amplified Bible)

So it's that time again. The time when Mrs. Holiday is about to hand the baton over to Mr. School(Not a very happy time for many but I'm excited because I'm convinced that this semester will be amazing!). I had bought my bus ticket online the night before I was going back to school. It was from Hartford, Connecticut to Amherst, Massachusetts and was scheduled to leave Hartford at 3:30pm and arrive Amherst at 5:00pm. Most times, this journey takes around three hours due to the changeovers and stops the bus makes, so I was glad that this one would only last for an hour, thirty minutes.
I was asked to pick up my ticket at least one hour before my departure time; that meant, preferably, before 2:30pm.

My aunty had an appointment that day but surprisingly, she got back much earlier than I had expected. She suggested we leave the house at 1:30 because it was raining rather heavily and she wanted to be sure we would get to the station before 2:30. This was a rational decision that many people would have made given the prevailing conditions. Looking back however, I sense it was much more than human rationality at work. I have a feeling my Father might have caused it to rain because he knew it would get His daughter out of the house earlier than normal. My Father is a Master planner!!
I picked up my ticket at 2:10 and prepared myself for the wait. Shortly after, a man announced that there was a bus outside that was ready to leave and would be making stops at several locations, one of which was Springfield (I was to make a stop at Springfield before continuing on to Amherst). I told him I was going to Amherst and asked if I could go with the bus since it was going my way. The man nodded and said, "That's your bus".

So I got on the bus, committed the journey to God, thanking Him for getting me on an earlier bus and then I fell asleep. I woke up when we were almost at the first stop. The driver announced that we would be arriving at Hartford shortly. I was a bit puzzled; wasn't I coming from Hartford? I waited till we got to the station to see if I had heard the driver correctly- I had! Then I realized that I had taken the bus at New Haven and only just got to Hartford, which was about forty-five minutes away. That's why the ticket was so cheap! It wasn't for the whole journey. My real journey was
New Haven ->Hartford ->Springfield -> Amherst but I had mistakenly bought a ticket for Hartford ->Springfield ->Amherst instead. It was probably the bus I took from New Haven that was scheduled to leave Hartford at 3:30. So if I had waited for my 3:30 'Hartford -> Amherst' bus, I would have missed it because I would still have been in New Haven!
So even though I had the wrong ticket, my steps are so ordered by God that I got to the station at right time, got on the right bus and paid less for my journey! He paid the rest for me!!! What's more, He got me to the Amherst stop in time to get another bus that took me to my school! Glory!

I'm Christian because my Father delights in my steps so much that he busies himself planning and ordering them! I'm always in the right place at the right time! Praise God!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Child of Promise is Christian because...

So I said I was going to put up the Facebook note. Here it is:

For many years of my life, I stumbled in darkness. Sin is like a black hole, without help, one would simply sink deeper. For many years, I was in this black hole called Sin, sinking yet not wanting any help. I had grown accustomed to the darkness- I liked it! But deep within, because I had been brought up in God's Word, I knew there was something much better than darkness. I knew there was light. I knew there was Jesus -THE light. At times, I would try hard to get to the light on my own but I never could. I prayed and read my Bible, most of the time still in sin, but praying and reading the Bible alone don't save you. One night, God made me see how much darkness was around me. He opened my eyes to see the error of my ways and the emptiness of religion, which tells you that your good works can save you or that going to church, praying or reading your Bible can save you. God didn't do this to condemn me. Oh not at all!! My God loves me!! As soon as I called out to Him, He reached out and pulled me out of the hole. I needed a Savior and being the only True Savior, Jesus stepped in. His blood washed me clean of all my sins (and still does) and God put His Holy Spirit in me.

I'm Christian because God loves me. He sent His Son to die for the sins of the world, forgiving them and making it possible for everyone to be reconciled with Him. I accepted this forgiveness and so I'm reconciled with God. I'm righteous; In fact, I have been made "the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus" (2 Corinthians 5:21). I'm Christian because I love God and everyday, in His strength, I live for Him. I'm Christian because I'm saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8) and by the blood of Jesus. I'm Christian because God's Holy Spirit lives in me (1 Timothy 1:14, 2 Corinthians 1:22), loving me, directing me and keeping me (John 14:26, John 16:13). I'm Christian because "my life is hid in Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3). I love Him because He first loved me (1 John 4:19).

In the place of prayer

Hi Overcomers!!

Before I go on, I'll like you to know who's in charge here. It's not me and since you didn't write this, it definitely not you! This blog is run by the Holy Spirit of the Most High God! Yours truly is only an employee- a very happy one though! He's really wonderful to work with! That you are reading this is no coincidence. Trust me, my Boss knows. He actually planned it.
Now that you know who's Boss, you can relax and keep reading.

A few weeks ago, I asked myself why I was Christian. I only got to think about it for a short while before something else caught my attention. This question must really be important because a few days later, it came knocking at my door again.

You see, that morning, I woke up with the words, "in the place of prayer" on my heart. So I sat down at my cousin's desk, armed with my Bible, my devotionals, paper and pen. I don't remember if I had begun to pray or not but the Holy Spirit brought the question up again. This time I wasn't going free. He whispered, "Write". And that's how I wrote my note on Facebook titled, "I'm Christian because...". That's where all this was birthed: in the place of prayer and by the Holy Spirit.
The note, which I'll post soon, tells about God's love that pulled me out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). It's my answer to the question. With the note, I completed the sentence - I'm Christian because...

The Holy Spirit also gave me Revelation 12:11 which reads, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...". This is a movement of overcomers! By telling our testimonies, having been washed clean by the Blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we have overcome the devil!

God's love is boundless! He loved us even while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). A Holy God loved us unholy, unworthy people! So He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us that through Jesus' death, we may be reconciled with Him! Then, when we were reconciled with Him, He put His Holy Spirit in us! God's Spirit is in you! Amazing! Now we are called to live victorious lives through Him that loved us (Romans 8:37)!!

This is a movement of testifiers. People who are not ashamed to say what God has brought them through, what He has delivered them from. We are not ashamed to say we are saved! We believe our God and have faith in His words and promises and so He is not ashamed to be called our God! (Hebrews 11:16).

So we are young (if not physically, then at heart) and unashamed and we shout and declare, We are Christian because...
I've done my part, do yours: Complete the sentence!

My Boss loves you and so do I,

✝ Child Of Promise♥