Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Know God.

...And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
(You are only as free as what you know)

The Bible says that we, as God's sheep, know His voice and the voice of a stranger we would not follow (John 10). It also says in verses 14 & 15 that God knows his sheep and His sheep know Him - just as God the Father knows the Son(Jesus) and God the Son knows God the Father.
That's remarkable! However, while it's understandable that God knows every one of His sheep intimately, it's more difficult to believe that His sheep know Him just the same.
Why? Well, He's God and we're just...human.
Here's the thing: We're not just human!

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. John 1:12

That makes us, as many as believe on His name, not mere humans but sons of God, not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (John 1:13). God, through Jesus, has given us the power to know him as sons would know their fathers - like Jesus, The Son, knows God the Father. That's truth Number 1. We may not feel like sons of God, but the Bible says we are, so we change our thinking.
[As a man thinks in his heart, so he is (Proverbs 23:7)].

We have been given the capacity to know God intimately, but do we really know Him? Have we really come to understand the breadth, length, depth and width of His love? I'll give you my answer: No, I haven't. So what is it then? Why haven't we tapped in to all the resources God has laid up for us in Christ? Simple: We don't know!
Everything God has for us is wrapped up in the Word! It's through God's Word we get to know Him, through his Word that we get know how he talks. Then, we'll be able to identify strange voices and flee from them. But God's Word is only Spirit and life when we read it with the Spirit of God. He opens our eyes to see God as He ought to be seen. Ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit today. Be led by the Holy Spirit - that's why you are a son of God!
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14

We are God's sheep and we have the ability to know God intimately. Do something with that ability! Know God.

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