Monday, February 1, 2010

I Love you, child

I have empowered you. Never doubt that.
I will be with you always. I have promised and I am faithful.
Walk before me; walk with me and I will make you fishers of men.
I love you and I died for you.
I died for you so you could be made whole. You are whole.
I love you, child.
I always did and always will.
You are the apple of my eyes.
My love for you runs deep, deeper than the deepest ocean
and wider than the seas.
I love you, child.
I love you.
I paid a price for you no one can ever pay.
My love for you runs deep. Never doubt it!
It never fails. Never doubt it!

Jesus loves you. Never doubt it!


  1. Awesome!...The exact same thing here is what I've been meditating on for the past few days now...His love for us is everlasting. David knew this when he talked abt it in Psalm 139. And yesterday Night...Oooh Glory! I learnt that he loves me for me! I'm not another number in the collection of God's children; I'm unique! No one can do what I do the way I do it...I have a message that only I can preach, and the world needs that message! Then, we love him because he first loved us. And U know what's important, I know that these words were spoken to you DIRECTLY from the Holy Spirit...cos 1. It sounds like something He would say. 2. He 's told that to me before! Ain't it awesome! The Spirit truly is One, and He is Love!

  2. The Spirit is one! God's love really is amazing!
    He loves me for me!
    I love Him!
    His love becomes even more real to me everyday
    Praise God!


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