Sunday, February 14, 2010

Victory Sheets are here!!

Dear Overcomers,

God is wonderful!! The first 'I'm Christian because' Victory sheets are out!!
What is a Victory sheet?
A Victory sheet is our official physical testimony spreader. It's a publication, much like a flyer, on which someone's salvation testimony is featured. It's a single sheet (at least for now) that has a testimony in front and the gospel and a prayer to come to salvation behind. It's a way to share testimonies with people and also share the gospel with them.
It's also a declaration of your status as overcomers; hence the name, Victory sheet!
Feel free to print copies and share them with those around you. The publication is attached (the front and back pages appear as single documents. You can decide to print them on the same sheet or as separate pages)

Remember that you have overcome the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimonies. (Revelation 12:11)

Stay victorious,
Child of Promise


  1. It's beautiful, Tolu!!! What an excellent work! And, I LOOOOVEEEEE Diana's testimony!!! Isn't God awesome???

  2. Thank you. Yes He is!! God is awesome!!

  3. WOW!! These testimonies are so inpsiring and encouraging! THankyou so much for puttin them on your blog, i have been truly blessed by these blogs and i thank GOd for you coz you are so inspiring with what you are doing! Your path is shining brighter and brighter even unto the perfect day!! Keep ILLUMINATING!! THankyou! GOd Bless xxx

  4. God bless you too Emma!
    Our paths are shining brighter and brighter even unto the perfect day!


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